Day 3.

The first day of visiting gymnasium students. I am curious and nervous. Cause I want to get to know them better and explore: should I – and can I-  take the path of “teaching”/facilitating for them in the future? There are two potential obstacles/potential powers: I don’t speak their mother tongue perfectly and they need to cooperate, have interest and respect to be able to benefit. And can they? Shaping my job path, you know…

When the Sister asked those pupils about the most inspiring thing they experienced within this hour in the Academy, one said: “When you don’t have anything particular to concentrate on , the level of concentration increases. You can concentrate on nothingness.” I loved it. Instantly. And left it without drilling more.


My last class was intentionally a secret lab space for the Mortal to explore what she wants from her future class on fear. It started with buzzing tension and the air of discomfort. It then turned into release, laughter, bond and good space of sharing. 3 people, 3 stories, 3 homeworks…

How can a fear be used for something good?

Fear can be connected (and is often proportional) to attraction and desire. Going for deepest desire is often a dance with fear. Force of aliveness, something important and at stake that can be strangling or transformed into power

Fear (when confronted) can be a source of deep happiness and freedom. I did it! This beyondness that makes us be more who we really are.

Fear (of losing/death) can make one appreciate what one has.


The Alien gave a concert without applause: his ritual of vulnerability.

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